I am excited to be starting a new adventure!
It has always been my childhood dream to be a stay-at-home mom and for the last 4 years I have had the privilege to live out that dream. But, with this crazy economy and my husbands career as a Lead Carpenter, our income can vary quite drastically from week to week. Because of this, I began researching ways to bring in an income while not giving up my dream to be home with my beautiful children. I will be honest..... this proved to be no easy task! There are a lot of scams out there.
I was thrilled when I found a legitimate way to earn an income AND help other moms do the same. Not only that, but I am now using safer, healthier products that I was buying at discount stores for about the same amount of money. How lucky am I? The best part is I can now help other families make the switch to healthier products that are also better for the environment.
All of this is possible because I have joined a successful group of women called Internet CEO Moms who work with a complete wellness company offering over 350 everyday necessity products like: laundry stuff, dish washing detergent, soaps, lotions, make-up, supplements, and so much more.
Because my family is VERY important to me, so are the products that we use on a daily basis and not knowing exactly what chemicals go into making these products was a bit scary to me. I began looking into some of these and found out that there is an ingredient in baby shampoo called Quaternium-15 that is actually a form of formaldehyde.... how disgusting! Check out this link to educate yourself about what goes into some of the products that we all use on a daily basis..... this link is not associated with the group that I have joined, but great information, none-the-less! http://storyofstuff.org/cosmetics/
Oh, and don't forget to check out my website! http://www.mykidsarehappy.com